You are soon going to celebrate the most important day of your life. You are inviting the dearest people in your life and it pains, somehow, to see one or even more of your guests sleeping at your wedding. The problem is that he/she or they are not having fun at all. Honestly, if you look at it closely, might be you have equally done the same. However, don’t panic because there is a way out and it is called wedding activities. This is becoming very trendy and it efficiently covers the blanks and stop potential sleepers. There is a plethora and your humble servant has made a selection of the most trendiest and original.
Seven Original, Trendy, Relaxing and Cool Wedding Activities
- Traditional Dance Group: Two to five dancers with not more than one singer will perfectly do. There are renowned ones in each of our lovely African countries. Choose from these and ensure forty-five minutes of fun to your guests.
- Discovery Game: This is quite simple and it revisits one of our traditions whereby the groom was to choose/recognize his bride from a number of disguised girls. In this case is the reverse. Based on their legs for example, the bride has to choose from a set of disguised male guests (don’t be afraid there are little tricks to ensure that you pick up Mr. Right like having him put a little mark somewhere. Don’t be shocked, it is your wedding, your day and we can’t afford to downplay this).
- Words game: Each of the married guests (beginning with the star couple) provides ten adjectives to describe the love he/she has for his/her life partner (believe me, this is highly instrumental for some couples have reconciled thanks to this, leaving behind any grudge they could have been bearing against the other before coming to your wedding. This is magnificent for you are not only the King and Queen of the day, but you equally represent Cupid).
- Musical chairs: A classic which can be revisited with one or two things. For example, each of the losing competitors can be offered an original gift.
- A photomontage/slide show: It is made up of pictures and video of the Bride/Groom best moments, from their childhood up till this wedding day. Fun and good memories guaranteed both for you and your close ones.
- A World Tour dancing competition: Some guests are chosen for a competition of renowned dancing styles. Obviously, charity must begin at home.
- The most famous karaoke: Just get a stage, one or two mikes, a screen and all the little details needed for a karaoke. You will discover/rediscover how this activity can be really fun. Choose your songs from the hits which have moved the country (going from the oldest to the latest).
famous and trendy wedding activity, your guests will love it.
There are many others, but I believe these are a good starting point. Everybody must be involved in one way or the other. Don’t forget that they are just aimed at covering the blanks and none central aspect of the wedding should be neglected. On the other hand, it is equally trendy for some invitees to organize surprise wedding activities and you might be the next targets. So, good luck my dears.